ICFP 2021
Sun 22 - Sat 28 August 2021
Wed 25 Aug 2021 20:15 - 20:30 at ICFP Talks - Session 6
Thu 26 Aug 2021 08:15 - 08:30 at ICFP Talks - Session 6

Law at large underpins modern society, codifying and governing many aspects of citizens' daily lives. Oftentimes, law is subject to interpretation, debate and challenges throughout various courts and jurisdictions. But in some other areas, law leaves little room for interpretation, and essentially aims to rigorously describe a computation, a decision procedure or, simply said, an algorithm.

Unfortunately, prose remains a woefully inadequate tool for the job. The lack of formalism leaves room for ambiguities; the structure of legal statutes, with many paragraphs and sub-sections spread across multiple pages, makes it hard to compute the intended outcome of the algorithm underlying a given text; and, as with any other piece of poorly-specified critical software, the use of informal, natural language leaves corner cases unaddressed.

We introduce Catala, a new programming language that we specifically designed to allow a straightforward and systematic translation of statutory law into an executable implementation. Notably, Catala makes it natural and easy to express the general case / exceptions logic that permeates statutory law. Catala aims to bring together lawyers and programmers through a shared medium, which together they can understand, edit and evolve, bridging a gap that too often results in dramatically incorrect implementations of the law. We have implemented a compiler for Catala, and have proven the correctness of its core compilation steps using the F* proof assistant.

We evaluate Catala on several legal texts that are algorithms in disguise, notably section 121 of the US federal income tax and the byzantine French family benefits; in doing so, we uncover a bug in the official implementation of the French benefits. We observe as a consequence of the formalization process that using Catala enables rich interactions between lawyers and programmers, leading to a greater understanding of the original legislative intent, while producing a correct-by-construction executable specification reusable by the greater software ecosystem. Doing so, Catala increases trust in legal institutions, and mitigates the risk of societal damage due to incorrect implementations of the law.

Wed 25 Aug

Displayed time zone: Seoul change

19:00 - 20:45
Newly-Single and Loving It: Improving Higher-Order Must-Alias Analysis with Heap Fragments
Research Papers
Kimball Germane Brigham Young University, Jay McCarthy University of Massachusetts Lowell
DOI Media Attached
Grafs: Declarative Graph Analytics
Research Papers
Farzin Houshmand University of California at Riverside, Mohsen Lesani University of California at Riverside, Keval Vora Simon Fraser University
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Certifying the Synthesis of Heap-Manipulating Programs
Research Papers
Yasunari Watanabe Yale-NUS College; National University of Singapore, Kiran Gopinathan National University of Singapore, George Pîrlea National University of Singapore, Singapore, Nadia Polikarpova University of California at San Diego, Ilya Sergey National University of Singapore
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Skipping the Binder Bureaucracy with Mixed Embeddings in a Semantics Course (Functional Pearl)
Research Papers
Adam Chlipala Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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GhostCell: Separating Permissions from Data in Rust
Research Papers
Joshua Yanovski MPI-SWS, Hoang-Hai Dang MPI-SWS, Ralf Jung MPI-SWS, Derek Dreyer MPI-SWS
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Catala: A Programming Language for the Law
Research Papers
Denis Merigoux INRIA, Nicolas Chataing ENS Paris, Jonathan Protzenko Microsoft Research, Redmond
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Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell
Research Papers
Nicolas Krauter Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Patrick Raaf Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Peter Braam University of Oxford, Reza Salkordeh Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Sebastian Erdweg JGU Mainz, André Brinkmann Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz
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Thu 26 Aug

Displayed time zone: Seoul change

07:00 - 08:45
Session 6Research Papers at ICFP Talks
Newly-Single and Loving It: Improving Higher-Order Must-Alias Analysis with Heap Fragments
Research Papers
Kimball Germane Brigham Young University, Jay McCarthy University of Massachusetts Lowell
DOI Media Attached
Grafs: Declarative Graph Analytics
Research Papers
Farzin Houshmand University of California at Riverside, Mohsen Lesani University of California at Riverside, Keval Vora Simon Fraser University
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Certifying the Synthesis of Heap-Manipulating Programs
Research Papers
Yasunari Watanabe Yale-NUS College; National University of Singapore, Kiran Gopinathan National University of Singapore, George Pîrlea National University of Singapore, Singapore, Nadia Polikarpova University of California at San Diego, Ilya Sergey National University of Singapore
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Skipping the Binder Bureaucracy with Mixed Embeddings in a Semantics Course (Functional Pearl)
Research Papers
Adam Chlipala Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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GhostCell: Separating Permissions from Data in Rust
Research Papers
Joshua Yanovski MPI-SWS, Hoang-Hai Dang MPI-SWS, Ralf Jung MPI-SWS, Derek Dreyer MPI-SWS
DOI Media Attached
Catala: A Programming Language for the Law
Research Papers
Denis Merigoux INRIA, Nicolas Chataing ENS Paris, Jonathan Protzenko Microsoft Research, Redmond
DOI Media Attached
Persistent Software Transactional Memory in Haskell
Research Papers
Nicolas Krauter Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Patrick Raaf Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Peter Braam University of Oxford, Reza Salkordeh Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Sebastian Erdweg JGU Mainz, André Brinkmann Johannes Gutenberg U Mainz
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