ICFP 2021
Sun 22 - Sat 28 August 2021
Fri 27 Aug 2021 00:30 - 01:00 at ML - Language & Library Design Chair(s): Benoît Montagu

We show ocaml-mpst, a library for safe concurrent programming in OCaml based on Multiparty Session Types (MPST). The key feature is global combinators, a typed, embedded DSL for specifying the protocol of a system of interacting processes. Such protocols are checked statically; thus, unsafe concurrent behaviour can be detected as a type error by the OCaml compiler. Until now, most MPST implementations use external domain-specific protocol description languages and tools (e.g. the Scribble toolchain), as MPST protocols are considered far from the types of a mainstream programming language. We utilise parametric polymorphism in ML and row polymorphism in OCaml in particular, achieving the one-stop platform for concurrent programming in a general-purpose language with industrial strength. The library ocaml-mpst is first presented at ECOOP 2020. This manuscript also introduces a use-case of protocol reuse utilising row polymorphism and shows recent development of ocaml-mpst, discussing the effectiveness of the approach and future work.

Extended Abstract (ml2021-submitted.pdf)416KiB
Slides (ml2021-slides.pdf)1.17MiB

Thu 26 Aug

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23:30 - 01:00
Language & Library DesignML at ML
Chair(s): Benoît Montagu Inria
A metalanguage for multi-phase modularity
Jonathan Sterling Carnegie Mellon University, Robert Harper Carnegie Mellon University, USA
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Unfolding ML datatype declarations without loops
Nicolas Chataing ENS Paris, Gabriel Scherer INRIA Saclay
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Verifying Multiparty Communication Protocols using ML Type Systems
Keigo Imai Gifu University, Rumyana Neykova Brunel University London, Nobuko Yoshida Imperial College London, Shoji Yuen Nagoya University
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